All stimuli used in a program with the jspsych-psychophysics plugin must be specified as JavaScript objects as follows:

var rect_object = {
    obj_type: 'rect', // means a rectangle
    startX: 200, // location in the canvas
    startY: 150,
    width: 300, // of the rectangle
    height: 200,
    line_color: '#ffffff',
    fill_color: '#ffffff',
    show_start_time: 500 // from the trial start (ms)

This code means that a white rectangle is presented at coordinates (200, 150) in a canvas which is a HTML element providing a lots of drawing tools. The origin of the coordinate is the top left of the canvas, and the unit is the pixel. If you want to change the origin to the center of the window, set the origin_center property to true. The width and height of the rectangle are 300 and 200 pixels respectively. The line and filled colors can be specified individually using the HTML color names, hexadecimal (HEX) colors, and RGB values that are often used in a general HTML file. Most importantly, the white rectangle is presented 500 ms after beginning this trial.

Preloading media files

The image and sound files must be preloaded manually. The method has changed since jspsych 6.3.0.

const images = ['img/file1.png', 'img/file2.png'];
const audio = ['audio/file1.mp3', 'audio/file2.mp3'];

const preload = {
    type: 'preload',
    images: images,
    audio: audio

    timeline: [preload, trial],

Common parameters among stimuli

Parameter Type Default Value Description
obj_type string undefined The type of the object (e.g., rect, image, or sound). Refer to the individual explanation below in detail.
startX/startY numeric ‘center’ Horizontal/Vertical position of the object’s center. The origin of the coordinate is the top left of the canvas, but the origin can be changed to the center of the window using the origin_center property. The unit is the pixel. If the startX/startY is specified as 'center', the object is presented at the horizontal/vertical center of the canvas. The startX/startY is also used as the starting position in motion.
endX/endY numeric null Horizontal/Vertical end position of the moving object.
origin_center boolean false If you want to change the coordinate origin to the center of the window, set this property to true.
horiz_pix_frame numeric undefined Horizontal pixels by which the object moves per frame of the display.
horiz_pix_sec numeric undefined Horizontal pixels by which the object moves per second.
vert_pix_frame numeric undefined Vertical pixels by which the object moves per frame of the display.
vert_pix_sec numeric undefined Vertical pixels by which the object moves per second.
show_start_time numeric 0 Time in millisconds to start presenting the object from when the trial begins.
show_end_time numeric null Time in millisconds to end presenting the object from when the trial begins.
motion_start_time numeric show_start_time Time in millisconds to start moving the object from when the trial begins.
motion_end_time numeric null Time in millisconds to end moving the object from when the trial begins.
show_start_frame numeric 0 Time in frames to start presenting the object from when the trial begins.
show_end_frame numeric null Time in frames to end presenting the object from when the trial begins. If the show_start_frame is 0 and the show_end_frame is 10, the duration is 10 frames.
motion_start_frame numeric show_start_frame Time in frames to start moving the object from when the trial begins.
motion_end_frame numeric null Time in frames to end moving the object from when the trial begins.
is_frame boolean false If you specify the show/motion time in frames, the is_frame property must be true.
line_width numeric 1 The width of the line.
lineJoin string ‘miter’ The type of the corner when two lines meet
miterLimit numeric 10 The maximum miter length
change_attr function null You can change some the attributes of the object dynamically. The first argument is the stimulus, the second is the elapsed times in milliseconds, and the third is the elapsed times in frames. See the demos/change_attributes.html. The difference between drawFunc and change_attr is that the drawFunc must specify the code for drawing and setting coordinates of the stimulus.

NOTE: The horiz(vert)_pix_frame(sec) can be automatically calculated using the startX(Y), endX(Y), motion_start_time, andmotion_end_time.

obj_type: ‘image’

See also Masking and filtering images using the jspsych-psychophysics plugin

Parameter Type Default Value Description
file string undefined The file name of the image.
scale numeric 1 (original size) Image scaling. Note that scaling will not work simultaneously with masking and filtering.
image_width numeric undefined The width of the image. You can’t specify this property with the scale or image_height property. Note that scaling will not work simultaneously with masking and filtering.
image_height numeric undefined The height of the image. You can’t specify this property with the scale or image_width property. Note that scaling will not work simultaneously with masking and filtering.
filter string undefined Read this page carefully.
mask string undefined ‘gauss’, ‘circle’, ‘rect’, or ‘manual’ See the demos/mask_filter.html.
width (gauss) numeric undefined The size (width x width) of the area where the gaussian mask is applied.
sc numeric 20 The standard deviation of the gaussian distribution.
width (circle/rect) numeric undefined The width of the masking circle/rect.
height (circle/rect) numeric undefined The height of the masking circle/rect.
center_x/y numeric undefined The x/y-coordinate of the center of the masking circle/rect.
mask_func(canvas) function null You can mask the image manually. Don’t forget to specify the mask property as ‘manual’. This function must retrun an ImageData object containing the array of pixel values. An argument of the function is the canvas on which the image is drawn. See the demos/mask_filter.html.
pixi_mask PIXI.Graphics() undefined See the pixi example.
pixi_filters array of filters undefined See the pixi example.
pixi_angle numeric undefined The angle of the image in degrees.
pixi_rotation numeric undefined The angle of the image in radians.

obj_type: ‘sound’

Parameter Type Default Value Description
file string undefined The file name of the sound.
trial_ends_after_audio boolean false If true, then the trial will end as soon as the audio file finishes playing.

obj_type: ‘line’

For this line object, the startX/Y property means the center position of the line. There are two ways to define a line. See, demos/lines.html.

Parameter Type Default Value Description
x1, y1 numeric undefined The start position of static line drawing. This property can’t be used for the moving line. And it can’t be used both with the line_length and angle property.
x2, y2 numeric undefined The end position of static line drawing. This property can’t be used for the moving line. And it can’t be used both with the line_length and angle property.
line_length numeric undefined The length of the line.
line_color string #000000 (black) The color of the line.
angle numeric undefined The angle of the line. Zero means a horizontal line.

obj_type: ‘rect’

Parameter Type Default Value Description
width numeric undefined The width of the rectangle.
height numeric undefined The height of the rectangle.
line_color string undefined The color of the contour.
fill_color string undefined The filled color of the rectangle.

obj_type: ‘circle’

Parameter Type Default Value Description
radius numeric undefined The radius of the circle.
line_color string undefined The color of the contour.
fill_color string undefined The filled color of the circle.

obj_type: ‘text’

Parameter Type Default Value Description
content string undefined The content of the text. It can include \n to start a new line.
font string undefined You can change the size and font. This is the same as the font property of <canvas> element.
fontStyle string normal See the mdn web docs
fontWeight string normal See the mdn web docs
fontSize string 20px See the mdn web docs
fontFamily string Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif See the mdn web docs
text_color string #000000 (black) The color of the text.
text_space numeric 20 The space between lines. Note that this will not work in Pixi mode.
pixi_angle numeric undefined The angle of the image in degrees.
pixi_rotation numeric undefined The angle of the image in radians.

obj_type: ‘cross’

This object would be used as the fixation point.

Parameter Type Default Value Description
line_length numeric undefined The length of the line.
line_color string #000000 (black) The color of the line.

obj_type: ‘gabor’

See also Presenting gabor patches in online/web experiments.

Parameter Type Default Value Description
width numeric undefined The size (width x width) of the area where the gabor patch is drawn.
tilt numeric 0 The tilt of the gabor patch. The unit is the degree relative to the horizontal axis.
sf numeric 0.05 The spatial frequency of the gabor patch. The unit is the cycles per pixel.
phase numeric 0 The phase of the sine wave. The unit is the degree.
sc numeric 20 The standard deviation of the gaussian distribution.
contrast numeric 20 The contrast of the gabor patch.
drift numeric 0 The velocity of the drifting gabor patch. The angular velocity per frame. The unit is the degree.
method text numeric The method of drawing the gabor patch. ‘numeric’ or ‘ml-matrix’. The ‘math’ is no longer supported since v3.6.0.
disableNorm boolean false Disable normalization of the gaussian function. That is, coefficient: 1/(sqrt(2*pi) * sc) will not be multiplied. If this property is specified as true, the contrast value should be relatively small.
contrastPreMultiplicator numeric 1 This value is multiplied as a scaling factor to the requested contrast value. For the meaning of this variable, see CreateProceduralGabor.
modulate_color array [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0] This is available in pixi mode. For the meaning of this variable, see modulateColor in CreateProceduralGabor. Note that the transparency is different from that of Psychtoolbox. Do not specify any number other than 1.
offset_color array [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0] This is available in pixi mode. For the meaning of this variable, see backgroundColorOffset in CreateProceduralGabor. Note that the transparency is different from that of Psychtoolbox. Do not specify any number other than 0.
min_validModulationRange numeric -2 This is available in pixi mode. For the meaning of this variable, see validModulationRange in CreateProceduralGabor.
max_validModulationRange numeric 2 This is available in pixi mode. For the meaning of this variable, see validModulationRange in CreateProceduralGabor.


The following values are only available in pixi mode. If the first data in the stimuli array is a gabor stimulus, it is possible to use uniforms as follows: jsPsych.getCurrentTrial().stim_array[0].pixi_obj.filters[0].uniforms; If the second data is a gabor stimulus, change to stim_array[1], and filters[0] need not be changed.

Property of the Uniforms Description  
Contrast This is the same as contrast above.  
Phase This is the same as phase above.  
angle_in_degrees This is equal to 90 + tilt  
spatial_freq This is the same as sf above.  
SpaceConstant This is the same as sc above.  
disableNorm Specify 1 for true or 0 for false.  
disableGauss Specify 1 for true or 0 for false.  
modulateColor_R Red in modulate color.  
modulateColor_G Green in modulate color.  
modulateColor_B Blue in modulate color.  
modulateColor_Alpha Do not specify any number other than 1.  
offset_R Red in offset color.  
offset_G Green in offset color.  
offset_B Blue in offset color.  
offset_Alpha   Do not specify any number other than 0.
contrastPreMultiplicator This is the same as contrastPreMultiplicator above.  
min_validModulationRange This is the same as min_validModulationRange above.  
max_validModulationRange This is the same as max_validModulationRange above.  

obj_type: ‘manual’

Parameter Type Default Value Description
drawFunc function null You can draw whatever the <canvas> supports. The drawFunc can be specified in other than manual objects.

If you want to draw something that the jspsych-psychophysics does not provide the method, you can draw it using the drawFunc function.

The first argument is stimulus by which you can access the properties of the object. For example, stimulus.currentX/Y can be used to refer the current position of the object, updated synchronized with the refresh of the display. You can also define and access new properties using this argument.
The second and third arguments (canvas, ctx) are jspsych-psychophysics’s canvas and its context.
The fourth and fifth arguments (elapsedTime, sumOfStep) represent respectively the elapsed time in milliseconds and the frames count since the beginning of the trial. Both values correspond to the start of the current frame and thus both of them will have a value of 0 for the first frame.

The following code is the sample of the drawFunc. This sample draws a rectangle including a gradation from white to black. See, demos/manual-drawFunc.html.

drawFunc: function(stimulus, canvas, context, elapsedTime, sumOfStep){

    const gradLength = 200;
    const grad  = context.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 0, gradLength);

    grad.addColorStop(0,'rgb(0, 0, 0)'); // black
    grad.addColorStop(1,'rgb(255, 255, 255)'); // white

    context.fillStyle = grad;
    context.rect(stimulus.currentX, stimulus.currentY, gradLength, gradLength);

You can also use the drawFunc with other than ‘manual’, for example, with ‘image’. See, demos/draw_part_of_image.html.